The first step is to create the ( or CalendarModule.kt) Java/Kotlin file inside android/app/src/main/java/com/your-app-name/ folder (the folder is the same for both for either Kotlin or Java). This Java/Kotlin file will contain your native module Java/Kotlin class.
Next you will need to add a method to your native module that will create calendar events and can be invoked in JavaScript. All native module methods meant to be invoked from JavaScript must be annotated with @ReactMethod.
create a facebook app java
Set up a method createCalendarEvent() for CalendarModule that can be invoked in JS through CalendarModule.createCalendarEvent(). For now, the method will take in a name and location as strings. Argument type options will be covered shortly.
React Native invokes the method createNativeModules() on a ReactPackage in order to get the list of native modules to register. For Android, if a module is not instantiated and returned in createNativeModules it will not be available from JavaScript.
To add your Native Module to ReactPackage, first create a new Java/Kotlin Class named ( or MyAppPackage.kt) that implements ReactPackage inside the android/app/src/main/java/com/your-app-name/ folder:
This file imports the native module you created, CalendarModule. It then instantiates CalendarModule within the createNativeModules() function and returns it as a list of NativeModules to register. If you add more native modules down the line, you can also instantiate them and add them to the list returned here.
It is worth noting that this way of registering native modules eagerly initializes all native modules when the application starts, which adds to the startup time of an application. You can use TurboReactPackage as an alternative. Instead of createNativeModules, which return a list of instantiated native module objects, TurboReactPackage implements a getModule(String name, ReactApplicationContext rac) method that creates the native module object, when required. TurboReactPackage is a bit more complicated to implement at the moment. In addition to implementing a getModule() method, you have to implement a getReactModuleInfoProvider() method, which returns a list of all the native modules the package can instantiate along with a function that instantiates them, example here. Again, using TurboReactPackage will allow your application to have a faster startup time, but it is currently a bit cumbersome to write. So proceed with caution if you choose to use TurboReactPackages.
To register the CalendarModule package, you must add MyAppPackage to the list of packages returned in ReactNativeHost's getPackages() method. Open up your or MainApplication.kt file, which can be found in the following path: android/app/src/main/java/com/your-app-name/.
At this point you have created an Android native module and invoked its native method from JavaScript in your React Native application. You can read on to learn more about things like argument types available to a native module method and how to setup callbacks and promises.
To save consumers of your native module from needing to do that each time they want to access your native module, you can create a JavaScript wrapper for the module. Create a new JavaScript file named CalendarModule.js with the following content:
In order to create a native module method with a callback, first import the Callback interface, and then add a new parameter to your native module method of type Callback. There are a couple of nuances with callback arguments that will soon be lifted with TurboModules. First off, you can only have two callbacks in your function arguments- a successCallback and a failureCallback. In addition, the last argument to a native module method call, if it's a function, is treated as the successCallback, and the second to last argument to a native module method call, if it's a function, is treated as the failure callback.
You can invoke the callback in your Java/Kotlin method, providing whatever data you want to pass to JavaScript. Please note that you can only pass serializable data from native code to JavaScript. If you need to pass back a native object you can use WriteableMaps, if you need to use a collection use WritableArrays. It is also important to highlight that the callback is not invoked immediately after the native function completes. Below the ID of an event created in an earlier call is passed to the callback.
For more detail, you can find the interface here. If userInfo is not provided, ReactNative will set it to null. For the rest of the parameters React Native will use a default value. The message argument provides the error message shown at the top of an error call stack. Below is an example of the error message shown in JavaScript from the following reject call in Java/Kotlin.
React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes.
Since november 2010 you may create test user accounts on Facebook for your application, so that you may test your application without creating dummy accounts and possibly break the Facebook EULA. The test users may be managed using the Facebook Graph API.
The application I was working on, which integrated with Facebook, needed automated integration tests but I could not find any Java API for managing test users. The end result is facebook-test-java-api, a project aimed at testing Facebook application integration.
Its not search enenigs that execute the javascript. Its your browser that redirects you to another page when it reads the javascript in your page. Search enenigs simply ignore the code that is included in javascript. Javascript runs on your machine through your browser and not by search enenigs.
Facebook APIs are the primary way to connect with the massive Facebook platform programmatically. Third-party developers create cool Facebook apps, games, steam live programmatically, run automated marketing campaigns, manage their business pages all with the help of the Facebook APIs.
3. Facebook Marketing API: Facebook Marketing API enables businesses to run custom marketing campaigns on the Facebook advertising platform. Business can write scripts to create custom marketing rules and plans based on the user responds to their ads.
The endpoint can be found in the Facebook Graph API Reference. There you will find the correct syntax for the endpointand how the response json is defined by Facebook. The type you need to provide is a concrete mapping between the json and a java object.
RestFB tries to use slf4j. As soon as this logging library is included in the application, RestFB will use slf4j and you can use all the loggings frameworks, that slf4j can use. If no slf4j is found, RestFB uses java.util.logging as fallback. Then RestFB works exactly like the older version from the 1.x branch.RestFB can be forced to use java.util.logging - simply set the system property com.restfb.forceJUL to true. Then slf4j is ignored even though slf4j is on the classpath.
And last, but not least, there is the user_ref. This reference is fetched from a webhook message and used to create a UserRefMessageRecipient object. The user_ref is send to the webhook as soon as the Facebook Checkbox Plugin is used and a user opts-in to receive messages from the website that shows this plugin.
To add text, you only need a Greeting object. This object has several constructors and the simplest way to create the object is a plain String. This results in a default greeting text. If you would like to add a locale-specific message, you can add a locale as String or a Locale object in the constructor. In the following example you see the construction of a default text and a text with a en_US locale. We use the Java Locale object in the constructor.
The Parameter class needs a name and a value to be sent to Facebook. The value is internally processed by ajson mapper, so you can provide a JsonObject, a primitive java type (like String, Boolean and so on), or a class that uses the @Facebook annotation (for example the RestFB types or custom ones).
Newly created Facebook apps are in development mode. These apps work similar to live apps, but some actions act a bit differently. In particular, the publishing of elements is completely different. Even public elements are not visible to other users.
Since you know how to create a BatchRequest you only need to send the request to the Graph API. RestFB provides a special method for this. Overall the complete requests is defined in the following way.
Additional to the batch requests you have to create a list of BinaryAttachment. The single BinaryAttachments needs the former used identifier to do the mapping between the binary data and the BatchRequest.
However, communication with the WhatsApp Business Platform differs from communication with the Facebook Graph API in one important respect. The access token must not simply be passed as a query parameter, but must be passed as an HTTP header field. WhatsApp Business Platform only accepts this method, so we created the ability to easily toggle the behavior.
I'm a JVM fan Boy, so the first thing I did was looking on Facebook documentation if there is a getting started guide using any of the many JVM langages! Unfortunately, none found. The official documentation showcase uses only nodeJS. So I did as any good developer would do, follow the doc and understand it using [yes, exactly!] NodeJS. Once done, I started searching for any java library that could help me during my journey, and hope, I found it. It's called Messenger4J. Good, solid and simple library that covers my need.
First thing you need to do is to setup a Facebook app, Please follow this link for more details. You'll need also a free hosting service like Heroko or Clever Cloud, or you can simply use NGROK, and don't forget to create a Facebook page. 2ff7e9595c